This article will show you how to deactivate a phone user. If your user has a direct line set up, you will then be able to set this number up against a new user.
Note - this process does not reduce the number of phone users you pay for on your account.
Please contact Jet Support if you need to downgrade your account.
Before you can delete a phone user, you will need to remove this user from any Queues or Callflows they are in. There is a very specific order these steps must be completed in, so please follow the instructions below in sequential order.
- Removing a user from Queues
- Removing a user from Callflows
- Removing a Phone User
- Recycling a phone number
Important: you cannot delete a phone user that is still logged in.
Please ensure your user has logged out of all Jet Phone apps and reset any Yealink phone before attempting to delete.
if this is not possible, please contact Jet Support for more information.
Removing a user from Queues
If you do not have any call queues on your account, you can skip ahead to Removing a user from Callflows.
To remove a Phone User from any queues, make a note of their extension number (eg: 1002 or 107, etc) and then navigate to your Queues page.
Use the key on the Queues page to see what queues this user is a part of, and then Edit each queue they are in to remove them from the assigned users.
For example, in the image above, you can see that user 1002 is only in Queue called Demo 1.
To remove the user, select the Edit option under the Actions menu.
When the Edit options open up, select the user in the section on the right for Phone User(s) Assigned, then Click Remove.
This user will now be moved to the left box, and will no longer be a part of this queue.
Click Save to update your changes.
Removing a user from Callflows
The next step is removing your user from any callflows they are associated with.
If this user only has a single direct line, this is very easy to do, but if this user is a part of many group lines, this can be difficult to understand how many callflows you need to edit. A quick top is to visit the Phone Users page and hit the Delete option on this user. You will then have an error pop up listing all callflows and queues that this user needs to be removed from before you can delete them
Removing from a Direct Line callflow
Navigate to your Callflows page under the Phone System menu.
Locate the callflow for your user's direct line, and select Reassign.
A screen will pop up with all service numbers linked to this callflow on the left and the available callflows on the right. Click on the Callflow you would like to assign the services to and hit reassign to save.
Important: all calls to this user's direct phone number will follow the new callflow structure when this action is complete. If required, we recommend reassigning to a team or supervisor's line to ensure no calls are lost.
Once complete, this will reassign all numbers that are using this callflow to the new callflow you have selected.
Once the numbers have been reassigned, this callflow will change from an ACTIVE status to an AVAILABLE status.
You can now delete the AVAILABLE callflow using the trash can in the Actions column.
Removing from a Group callflow
To remove a user from a group callflow, we need to Edit the callflow, then delete the previous version.
Navigate to your Callflows page under the Phone System menu.
Locate the callflow for the group line you need to edit and select the Edit pencil from the Actions menu.
Confirm you wish to edit the callflow, and your callflow structure will open up on the screen.
When your callflow finishes loading, click on the dial widget that your user is a part of.
Your Dial configuration will open up on the right of your screen. Select the delete button for the user you need to remove from this setup.
Click anywhere on the canvas to save the widget. Your callflow should now be at 100%.
Click Available to make the change live on all associated phone numbers. Saving your callflow automatically creates a new version.
When you save the callflow, you will be redirected back to the callflows page. You will see there is a new ACTIVE version of this callflow that was just created, and an older version that is in the AVAILABLE status.
You will now need to delete the AVAILABLE version to ensure your user is no longer connected to any callflow.
Removing a Phone User
Now that your Phone User has been removed from all Queues and Callflows, you will be able to delete them.
Navigate to your Phone Users page in the Phone System menu.
Locate the user you want to remove and use the delete option under Actions.
This action will remove the user from your account and the Jet app login will no longer be accepted on any Jet Soft Phone app.
This will not remove them from any reports or other historical information.
Note - this process does not reduce the number of phone users you pay for on your account.
Please contact Jet Support if you need to downgrade your account.
Recycling a phone number
If your user had a direct line, you can either leave this number configured and assigned to the callflow you choose in step 2, or reuse this number for a new user setup.
To reuse a number for a new user, navigate to the Phone Numbers page.
Select the number your user had as their direct line, and choose Deactivate in the top right.
This will then deactivate this number, and allow you to set it up against a new user as an Available number when you choose.
You can see a list of all Available numbers in the top right of your Phone Numbers page.
Note - this does not delete the number from your account.
Please contact Jet Support if you need to downgrade your account.
Next Steps
To set up a new Phone User, click here: How to set up a new Phone User
To activate an available number without a phone user, click here: Activating an available number
To change a service name, click here: How to change a service name
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