Voicemail allows callers to leave you a message when you can’t get to the phone. Voicemail can be part of a regular call flow, but is also commonly used to divert callers who ring outside of your regular business hours to leave a message so you can call them back the following day.
To learn how to manage your voicemail messages once received, please view our article on How to Manage Voicemails.
To add a new voicemail, click here: How to add voicemail
Modifying your existing voicemail
Step 1 - Under the Phone System menu, click Callflows.
Step 2 - Find the callflow you want to modify and click the edit button.
Step 3 - In your callflow, click on the voicemail widget you would like to edit.
Step 4 - to change your audio message, click the red X to remove the current file, then click in this field upload your new voicemail message from your computer. This file must be an mp3 or wav file.
Step 4 - to add or change your email settings, you can check or uncheck the box called Send email notification (above). Then enter or modify email address and any CC emails that you want the voicemail to be sent to. Separate multiple emails with a comma between them.
Important note - if a caller reaches your voicemail notification but hangs up without recording a voicemail, you will still receive the email above, but the voicemail link may have no file attached (or play the call recording if this feature is enabled).
If this occurs, please cross reference this call in your Inbound Calls report and ensure this call has a valid voicemail against it.
Step 5 - Click anywhere on the canvas to save the widget.
Your callflow should now be at 100%. You can save the callflow as a draft OR save as available to make the change live on all associated phone numbers.
Saving your callflow automatically creates a new version so that you can easily roll back any changes.
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