Call Whispers are a short audio file that plays to the agent who answers a call.
Whispers are used to let the agent know information about the call before speaking to the customer such as the number that was called, which IVR option was selected or the marketing source of a call. Whispers are changed through the dial widget on a callflow.
Add whisper override to a Queue Widget
Add whisper to Dial Widget
Step 1 - Under the Phone System menu, select Callflows.
Step 2 - Find the callflow you want to modify and click the edit button.
Step 3 - In your callflow, click on the dial widget. A box with the configuration details of the dial widget will be displayed.
Step 4 - In the dial configuration box click into the call whisper box. This will enable you to browse your files for the audio file you want to upload.
Note - any calls being diverted to an external answering point that has a Queue or a Hunt Group in place will not be able to use the Call Whisper feature. This feature should only be used for external AP calls that are routed directly to a person.
For more information, click here: Using external numbers as answering points
Step 5 - Once an audio file has been added to a Dial widget it will now display this symbol.
Step 6 - Click anywhere on the canvas to save the widget. Your callflow should now be at 100%.
You can save the callflow as a draft OR save as available to make the change live on all associated phone numbers. Saving your callflow automatically creates a new version so that you can easily roll back any changes.
Add whisper override to a Queue Widget
When you create a new queue, there is an option to add a whisper to your setup.
You can also override this configured whisper via the Queue widget in your callflow. When you add an override, the whisper added to your queue will not play, and only the whisper override file will be heard.
Step 1 - Under the Phone System menu, select Callflows.
Step 2 - Find the callflow you want to modify and click the edit button.
Step 3 - In your callflow, click on the Queue widget. A box with the configuration details of the queue widget will be displayed on the right hand side.
Step 4 - In the queue configuration box, choose your Queue name, then click into the call whisper box. This will enable you to browse your files for the audio file you want to upload.
Once the audio file has been updated, it will look like this:
Step 5 - Once an audio file has been added to your Queue widget it will look like this.
Step 6 - Click anywhere on the canvas to save the widget. Your callflow should now be at 100%.
You can save the callflow as a draft OR save as available to make the change live on all associated phone numbers. Saving your callflow automatically creates a new version so that you can easily roll back any changes.
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