The Abandonment Rate reports are used to show the frequency of callers that are abandoning calls before they reach an agent. There are 2 reports to select from: Abandonment Rate vs Total Calls and Abandonment Rate over Time.
Please note, due to the amount of data processing required, this report can take up to 30 seconds to load.
Chart Options
The Chart Options Button opens a dialog box with a number of options to change the data that is being represented in the report.
Abandonment Rate vs Total Calls
The Abandonment Rate vs Total Calls report shows the average Abandonment Rate across all phone numbers against the Total Calls. Using the tabs above the report, you can aggregate the data based on Date, Day or Hour.
The stacked bar chart on the graph is the Total volume of calls, where each coloured segment is a different call status of either Answered, Unanswered, Cancelled, or Busy. The line graph shows the percentage of calls that were abandoned before reaching an agent. By hovering over each column you will see the total number of calls per segment and the abandonment rate for that column.
Abandonment Rate over Time
The Abandonment Rate over Time chart shows the Abandonment Rate over call duration. The abandonment rate at any specific point on the graph is the cumulative abandonment percentage of all segments up until that point.
The Interval (minutes) value is the value for each x-axis on the graph. This represents the call duration before an abandonment occurs. The number of intervals is the number of x-axis segments that appear on the graph.
Caller Abandon and System Abandon
The Abandonment Rate Over Time report shows both Caller Abandon Calls, which are calls abandoned when the caller cancels the call, and System Abandon Calls, which are calls that end due to a timeout on the system such as a queue or IVR. The checkboxes for each of those determine if the graph will display that metric or not.
Filtering by Service Group and Date
These reports can be filtered by Service Groups and Dates.
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