Jet has over 99.9% uptime on our call recording file conversion and availability and we endeavour to improve on this with our targeted development.
When a call is recorded, the system processes this file from a raw recording and converts this into the mp3 file that we provide to you through our missed call alert emails, or through the Jet Hub reports.
As can occasionally happen for any electronic file type, during the conversion process, files can be corrupted and some or all of the original file data can be lost. This can lead to call recordings lasting for only a few minutes, instead of the full duration of a call.
This occurs for less than 0.02% of calls. Unfortunately, if this does occur for one of your calls, there is nothing further we can do to retrieve this particular recording as the file is corrupted and the original is no longer available.
If this issue does being to appear as a regular issue (ie: more than once every 1000 calls), please raise this with us as a ticket so that we can prioritise this further within our team.
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