This article will assist you in resolving any of your caller IDs that display as SPAM when making outbound calls.
Why is this happening?
Some device providers or networks offer a Spam Protection feature, where you can register certain numbers that have contacted you as "spam" or nuisance calls.
Jet doesn't mark any services as spam or have any kind of public database or listings for our services (eg white pages etc), and Jet has no involvement in number classifications for other providers.
If you have one or more numbers where this is showing, it means that someone you have called has reported your number as Spam to a network (such as Optus) or device manufacturer with a Spam Protection feature (eg: Samsung).
Note -- this is not applicable for any 1300 or 1800 numbers, and will only occur for phone numbers you are using as your caller ID - ie: the local or mobile numbers displaying against each Phone User in Jet Hub.
Where is this occurring?
The first stage of resolving this issue is to determine where this record has been submitted. Unfortunately, there is no database or records you can check this on -- this information is held by the carrier this was registered, and under privacy restrictions for public access.
The quickest way to find this out is to place a few test calls and see if this shows up differently for a different end carrier/provider.
eg: call an Optus number vs Telstra number - does it show up for one carrier but not another?
Does this show up on a Samsung or Google device but not on an iPhone?
This should help you narrow down the provider that has marked your services as spam.
How to resolve
Use the steps above to determine which device maker (eg: Samsung) or the network provider of the phone (eg: Telstra/Optus) has this number listed as Spam, then contact this company.
They will be able to tell you how they detect this and how to clear any notices if they exist on their system.
Some providers will also allow you to register your numbers with them as in use by a legitimate business. If the provider you are dealing with has this option, we recommend you do this.
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