We understand you probably get a lot of invoices! This guide will assist you in how to read your Jet invoices.
If you're here to make a payment, please check out our information on Managing Invoices & Payments.
Can I get an itemised bill that includes all my calls?
Invoice Summary
The front page of your invoice has a summary of your information.
Invoice information
In the top right, you will see your account number and invoice number, along with the issue date of your invoice, and your payment date (this may be different).
Amount Due
The important figure to note is your Total due for this Invoice. The invoice below is for $1,834.72.
You can also see that the Total Due for your account field is different to the amount due on your invoice.
This means you have other invoices on your account that have not yet been paid. We can view these on page 2 under the History & Recent Activity section.
Payment information
At the bottom of Page 1, you will see the Payment Information section.
If you pay via AutoPay on credit card, you will see the date your payment will be debited.
If you have other payment arrangements, you will see the date these are due.
You can make a payment or update your payment details at any time by clicking the links in this section.
You can also access the Jet Hub portal to view more detailed invoice information, or view our invoice terms and conditions if you have any concerns.
History & Recent Activity
On page 2 of any invoice, you can view your most recent invoices and payments from the last 6 months, as well as any other invoices that are currently still outstanding.
note - the information on this page is correct as of the date and time the invoice was published. To see this information up to date, please visit the Invoices and Payments page in your Jet Hub account.
In the image above, you can see that this account missed a payment for their April 2023 invoice, and this invoice is shown as still outstanding on this invoice from July 2023.
Remembering our summary page before, you can see this account owes a total of $317.68.
$115.54 from their April invoice, and $202.14 from their July invoice.
Invoice Charge Breakdown
Page 3 will show you the charge-by-charge breakdown of exactly what you are being charged for.
You can see that this account has a single Jet Phone Bundled package for $28 excluding GST, and her bill total will be $30.80.
If you have multiple quantities of a number or service, you will see this as a quantity against your charge.
This account has 21 x 1800 numbers.
To see the list of actual phone numbers on your account, please visit the Phone Numbers page in Jet Hub.
When you see a charge that is to do with call rates, the quantity refers to the number of minutes your account used during this billing period.
For the image above, you can see this account had 20,261 calls to their 1800 numbers from 10th March 2023 to the 9th of April 2023.
Sometimes you may have other features on your account, such as call recording or IVRs. Each feature will be shown as a separate line and charge with your amount & quantity clearly shown for each one.
Your total will show at the bottom of the page, first as your price excluding GST, then your total tax amount, and finally show your combined total.
This combined total will match your Invoice Balance.
Invoice FAQ
When will I get billed?
Jet will send you a regular invoice once a month, on your billing day. This day will typically be the day of the month when you signed up to Jet!
If you order additional services, or your account is otherwise updated in some way, mid-way through the billing period, we may send you an additional invoice for a partial month.
What is a pro-rata charge?
Sometimes you may add a service or have another billing change occur halfway through the month. Usually, we will send you an updated invoice if this occurs, but on rare occasions, we will add this charge to your next regular invoice as a pro-rata amount.
Here are some examples of a pro-rata charge:
Example 1 - Simple
This account is billed on the 30th of each month, and received a bill on the 30th of August. On the 1st of September, they added an IVR to their account but did not receive a new invoice.
Their next bill had their regular charge of the IVR from 30th September onwards, plus the backdated (or pro-rata) charge for using this feature from 1st September to 29th September.
Example 2 - Complex
This account is billed on the 10th of the month.
In their invoice on the 10th of February, they had 146 numbers, but on the 23rd of February, they added 3 numbers and they added one more on the 28th as well.
This means they received a partial credit for the amount they paid for 146 numbers from 23rd of February to the 9th of March. Then we charged the new correct total for 149 numbers during the period of 23rd of Feb to 27th, then adjusted this again for 150 numbers from 28th February to the end of their bill on the 9th of March.
It looks like a lot of numbers!
But when you break it down, you can see that this account received a credit of $1407.86, and was re-charged a total of $1443.22.
That's only a difference of $35.36!
They also paid upfront for their numbers beginning March 10th.
$2700 for 150 numbers = $18 per number.
Why has my bill increased?
If you think your bill has increased, check your current invoice against last month, or the month before.
Do you have an extra quantity of services that you forgot you added, or are there in error?
You should also check the dates of your service charges. Like the image shown above in Example 1, you may find that there is a charge on your invoice that is from your previous month.
If you have any questions, you can raise an invoice review request with our billing team here.
Can I get an itemised bill that includes all my calls?
Of course!
Bills with itemisation can be quite large, so this invoice feature is not turned on by default. Our team can turn this on for you permanently, or just regenerate a past invoice with this information for you to look at a particular month of calls.
To request an itemised invoice, please submit a request with our billing team here.
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