We have recently updated our support process to ensure greater security for your account & to streamline the support process.
All support requests must have a ticket created by a registered user. Tickets can only be created by Jet Portal admins, this ensures that any request that is received is from an approved member of your organisation.
Creating A Ticket
To create a ticket, click on the red button in the top right of the screen. To create a ticket you must be signed in. If you are not signed in, you will see the following button. Click on this button to sign in using your Jet Portal login credentials.
If you are unable to sign in
If you have forgotten your Jet login or are unable to sign in. You can request to reset your password via the sign in page.
If you do not have a login, Please request for your Jet account admin to enable you as a Jet user.
If you have a Jet login or are your account admin, but cannot sign in, please start a live chat & click 'I am unable to log in' when prompted.
Managing Your Tickets
Your tickets can be accessed via the help centre. To view your open and past tickets. click on the 'My Current Tickets' link on the top of the help centre. This will show you a list of all your tickets & their status. You can update your tickets from within this view, reply to tickets & add attachments.
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