Under your Jet Phone reports, there are some helpful pages to assist you in understanding the call quality of your phone users and network traffic of your team.
To find these pages, navigate to Phone System and view the Troubleshooting category.
Call Quality
This page will show you more information on the percentage of calls that Jet picked up quality issues on.
This could be anything from poor network quality, changing data connections mid-call (this can sometimes cause your call to drop) or calls that experienced one-way audio.
If you are seeing a lot of results come through on this report, ensure you are reading through the below articles, especially with regards to the optimal settings and requirements for each device (such as turning off Wi-Fi calling or enabling Local Network for iOS).
- Troubleshooting your Jet apps for mobile and desktop
- How to diagnose issues and improve call quality
- Improving your Network or Router Setup
Call Network
This page will show more information on the types of network connections your phone users are using with their Jet Soft Phones.
For most working environments we do expect calls over Wi-Fi to be the highest percentage here, however Wi-Fi networks also have a higher chance to experience issues.
Now, this doesn't mean you have no internet, this could just be issues occurring because your commercial ISP has certain default configurations or settings active on your router that are conflicting with your traffic.
Your router could also not be optimised to use VoIP (calls over the internet) or you could even have a good connection with a poor quality router.
For more information on Network and Router setup, check out more details via the articles below:
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